Saturday, November 20, 2010

Missing or not...

Lickilicky would like to give you a suprise.

  • It's been almost a week since I posted anything. Like as if I lost motivation to take pictures and stuff.
  • Alright so here are the truth(excuses);
  1. I still take pictures, however the images are still in my camera. I'm just lazy to upload them to the blog.
  2. It was once a simple habit to upload photos everyday, but the idea of waiting to upload every 5 images at a time is just making life shorter.
  3. It will be great if blogger has a better uploader, like the one Facebook has.
  4. I currently carry a lumix lx3 digital camera. It is a great camera, AS a digital point and shoot camera.
  5. There are still many short coming and I was wondering for reasons why I chose this over a micro 4/3 system. Maybe because it is small. I might cover this in another post?
  6. At first I aspire to take great pictures like the ones I saw over the net. However it hit to me that the region is different. The outdoor lighting is very harsh and Singapore is a man-engineered and repetitive country(small too).
  7. I have no courage to go up to people on the street and take picture. (My camera is too small to be impressive and the people are too fierce, I do not want to get injured or my camera to be damaged).
  8. School is boring. Even being in a design course is still quite dull or just lack the awesomeness. I lack motivation.
  9. I'm excuses prone. So when I procrastinate, the effect last around 3-7 days.
  10. I hope to strive better in life than just doing this. I do now want to go "downhill" too fast...
  • Very long and talkative post.
  • The photos of the week before will be posted in a post soon.

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